Dazed and confused…adventures in medicine

Old hospital

Old hospital (Photo credit: urbanlegend)

Seems to be my permanent state right now…confusion.  I lose track of what I’m saying when I’m trying to talk to someone (who knows what my writing is like…I reread it multiple times and am still not absolutely certain that I’m making sense, so…if you can’t figure out what I’m talking about, now I have an excuse), I can’t remember what I’m supposed to be doing (thank goodness for lists…just write it down when I think about it), and the date?  Oh my!  The date, even with the date displayed prominently on my computer and  calendars all over the place, I still can’t keep the days straight.

And today exemplified that.  I had a doctor’s appointment with a pulmonologist today.  I’ve had the paper my doctor’s office gave me, with the info, on my fridge since my last appointment so I wouldn’t forget it.  I woke up feeling pretty awful, wishing I didn’t have to go see a doctor today, but knowing that I did.  So I eventually got ready and left in plenty of time to arrive early enough to find my way to the office.  You know how it is when you go into these big buildings and don’t know your way around, right?  So I knew I was going to have to stop and ask for directions and then find my way to pulmonology.  No big deal.

I stopped at the desk right inside the entrance and asked the lady there where I could find this particular doctor.  She looked at my paper (the one they gave me last week at my doctor’s office) and told me I was in the wrong building, would have to go out and drive over to the next drive and go in that building.  Well, okay.  I walked back out to my car feeling more than a little confused.  The next building over is where my doctor’s practice is.  I was pretty sure (even in my confused state) that the specialist I was supposed to see wasn’t in the same building as my doctor.

So I called my doctor’s office and spoke with one of the receptionists.  She laughed about it and said that lady must have been confused…there is a Doctor Trueblood in their practice, but she is definitely not a pulmonologist.  So I told her where I was and she said I was in the right place, that she didn’t know exactly where the pulmonology department was but she was pretty sure it was upstairs.

Alright, I walk back into the building, stop and ask the same lady where the pulmonology department  is.  She tells me to take the elevator upstairs and then she points down the hall and says I need to go all the way to the end of that hall.  I find the elevator, go upstairs and start in the direction pointed out for me.  Then I stop and look at the department listings and arrows.  Hmm…if I do what the lady downstairs says I’m headed in a different direction than if I follow these little arrows.  How about we try the arrows?

That just might be the only good decision I’ve made all day.  I walked right to where I needed to go and stopped at the desk to let them know I was there for my appointment.  The very nice lady there looked it up on the computer then looked at me.  She said, “Well, unfortunately your appointment’s for tomorrow.”  And she apologized…like it was her fault that I’m a dork.  And to compound how goofy I must have seemed, I asked her what today’s date was.  She told me it’s the 7th…hmm…the little paper in my hand tells me my appointment is scheduled for the 8th…what do you know?  She’s right and I’m crazy.  So I thanked her and told her I’d see her tomorrow.

I guess a couple of good things came out of this…now I know where I need to go tomorrow…and the lady at the pulmonology department desk will have a funny story to tell her co-workers and family…

I’m telling you, all of these drugs I’ve been on have to be messing with my mind…or am I confused about that?

Just another Monday

Come Monday

Come Monday (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Not a manic Monday, not a hated start of the work week Monday…just Monday.  I guess I never thought about how we give certain days special significance when we’re working. It seems like just about everyone hates Mondays. I suppose because most people don’t work on the weekends, Monday means a return to the dreaded work week. Now I’ve pretty much always had jobs where I’m required to work at least some weekends, so there have been times when I really liked Mondays because that would often be the start of my “weekend”.

But still being off of work on medical leave kind of changes how I look at things like that. I woke up today thinking that I could be going in to work today on truck day…a hectic, active, yet kind of fun day…it’s all what you make it! If only I could actually be going in to work…but…nope! Still off, still struggling to breathe, wondering what’s going on and what’s going to happen. I have to admit, it’s more than a little scary. I’ve always worked, since I was 14 years old. So not being able to work has me questioning myself. I mean, how am I going to cope if I don’t get better? What in the world would I do?  I have some money saved up, but not enough to get by on for the rest of my life.

No…stop…I’m not going to go looking for trouble where it might not exist. I see a pulmonary specialist Thursday afternoon and we’ll go from there. It’s not like worrying about it between now and Thursday will do anything to make it better anyhow. In the meantime, I’m off for this week and next week, and then we’ll see. Hopefully they’ll be able to figure out what’s going on and then correct it.

I think I’ll go rummage around in my yarn stash and sit back and crochet a scarf…take my mind off my worries for a while.

When am I going to feel better?

English: Shown is a male technician taking an ...

English: Shown is a male technician taking an x-ray of a female patient. This image was used to demonstrate the myth about exposure to radiation during the x-ray procedure. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When?  I’m so tired of all of this coughing and not being able to breathe.  And, as surprised as I am to say this, I miss work…I miss my work buddies…I miss having a routine…I miss the adrenaline rush of having too much to do (haha).  I wouldn’t have believed that a couple of months ago, but now I see how much I really do like my job.

So…saw a different doctor today…coughing my head off, as has been my daily routine any time I do anything and especially any time I go outside in the cold.  They did several tests in the office, then sent me to the lab for some lab work (one of the things they were testing for was whooping cough…seriously…) then over to the radiology department for x-rays.  I just love having to get x-rays, don’t you?  I always wonder if I’ll start glowing in the dark, hasn’t happened yet though.

Then I had to go pick up more prescriptions, one of which was an inhaler…I really, REALLY don’t like that.  And some of the pills just about gag me trying to swallow them.  Then I stopped at work for a few minutes to fax some paperwork in.  Talked a few minutes to some of my co-workers.  Then decided I needed to get home.

So I’ve been sitting here at home trying to recover from my active day (or at least active compared to how I’ve been living lately).  It’s still painful to breathe, I’m still coughing a lot, and I keep asking myself how much longer it’s going to go on like this…so, hey…if anyone has any positive, healing vibes to send my way, I’ll gladly welcome them.

Medical issues still hanging around


L-13-02-05-C-052 (Photo credit: US Department of Labor)

Who would have thought, all those weeks ago when I first got sick, that I’d still be sick in February…the middle of February at that?  But here I am, on medical leave from work trying to regain my health enough to at least be able to go back to work.  Still having respiratory issues, much activity at all and I start this high-pitched coughing…to the point of pain and headache.  We’re still not sure exactly what’s going on…the original diagnosis was acute respiratory infection.  When I looked that up online, it seemed to be kind of a catch-all, covering several different illnesses.  I’ve been seeing my doctor at least once a week…tests, meds, etc. Maybe one of these days we’ll get it figured out…keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

You’d think I’d be able to get a lot done without having to go to work, but you’d be wrong.  I just don’t feel up to doing anything.  I feel like I’ve had a good day when I do dishes and feed the cats.  I haven’t been writing at all…thank goodness for my Kindle…not going to run out of books to read.

A couple of my friends have called, wondering if I needed anything.  So far I’ve been okay…that’s one of the benefits about stocking up on cat food and treats…I’ve been in the habit of stopping at Pet Smart every other week and always buying enough for two weeks and two days…that way I have a stockpile of food for the little darlings in case of an emergency (of course, the emergency I’ve always thought about being prepared for was a severe snowstorm…not sickness).  But to have friends who are thinking about me makes me feel good.  And one of my neighbors told me they were heading out to the grocery store and wondered if I needed them to pick up anything…nice, huh?

It sure would be nice to have all of this time off if I felt like doing anything…of course, if I felt like doing anything, I’d be at work…can’t win that one…

Paleo diet

Paleolithic-style dish: seafood stew

Paleolithic-style dish: seafood stew (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about the Paleo diet and how good they feel after being on it for a while.  I never really knew exactly what it was, assuming it was about eating unprocessed foods like the cave people did.  But when I looked it up I realized it’s similar to the clean eating diet, except no dairy, no grains…Hey, I know I’d be better off  eating foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, giving up sugar, and of course throwing out the soda.

But…but…no dairy, no grains…does that mean (gasp) no pizza?????  Who could live without pizza?  Like, forever?  And I gotta tell you, I’m not that fond of meat…I’m just not…this may sound crazy, but it makes me feel sluggish and too full for too long.  So I just can’t see myself being able to adhere to that kind of diet for very long.

I have given up dairy milk, I started paying attention a few months ago and realized I felt kind of congested every time I drank a glass of milk.  So I thought I’d do a little home based experiment, see how it would affect me to not drink it for a few weeks.  Didn’t drink any for that time, then started drinking it again and felt the congestion again.  So I decided to give it up…I thought it would be more difficult than it was, I’ve always really, really liked milk.  But I honestly haven’t missed it…I use almond milk on my cereal and like it.

And I’ve been eating more natural foods…a lot more fruits and veggies, I’ve even baked my own bread a couple of times.  Just this morning I baked an English muffin bread and it turned out pretty good…kind of chewy with an English muffin like texture (huh, imagine that!  Maybe that’s why they called it English muffin bread…go figure!). I haven’t given up my diet Pepsi yet, but I know I’m going to have to force myself to do it…nothing good for you in any soda, so that’s on my healthy to-do list.

But I just won’t be following the Paleo diet…clean eating is more my style…or even vegetarian.  What about you?  Do you adhere to a special diet?

Being sick isn’t as fun as snow days

A sick cartoon Pig Complete with orange juice ...

A sick cartoon Pig Complete with orange juice and an ice pack for his terrible fever. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Seriously, being sick is a pain.  I actually feel a little better, but still have a fever and am not able to keep anything down…so, still trapped in my house.  See, if I felt good, being stuck at home would be nice, a treat.  But being sick finds me either in bed or on the couch, with just a little stumbling around the house trying to do a few of the basic housekeeping chores.  What a waste of time.

I talked with the nurse at my doctor’s office today…they’re calling in another prescription for me.  And she told me to stay at home until I go 24 hours without a fever..okey dokey…fun, fun!

You know, I kind of feel guilty for abandoning my co-workers, but I’d feel even worse if I gave them what I have…but I really am going to work on improving my immune system…simply have to eat a healthy diet.  I know it, it’s just a matter of doing it.  But I’m making plans for when I can actually start eating again.  I’m tired of getting sick…

Health and fitness, it’s got to be now

Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness (Photo credit: Justin Liew)

I know, I know…those of you who know me have heard this before…several times.  I have got to do something to regain my health, become fit, and put an end to feeling so bad all the time.  So, since I’m off work today, sick with the flu, I’m going to reflect on this and make a plan…a plan to  eat better, exercise more, deal with the stress in my life in a positive manner, and take charge of my life.

A year or so ago, I started another blog that I intended to use to chronicle my journey to fitness.  But, as my fitness efforts dwindled, I allowed my blogging efforts to fall by the wayside as well.  Since I never intended this blog that you’re reading today to be solely a health and fitness blog, I hesitated to devote so much space to that end.  So, if you want to cheer me on in my fitness efforts, I’d welcome you to come visit my other blog:  http://becomeawinnerbylosing.wordpress.com/

Believe me, I need all of the encouragement I can get.  This is a battle I’ve fought for many, many years with limited success.

Two weeks later and still under the weather

English: Hamlin's Wizard Oil, the greatest fam...

English: Hamlin’s Wizard Oil, the greatest family remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, headache, diphtheria, sore throat, lame back, sprains, bruises, corns, cramps, colic, diarrhœa and all pain and inflammation. Sold by all druggists. Advertising for turn-of-the-century miracle cure, chromolithograph by Hughes Lithographers, Chicago. Undated, estimated to be from around 1890. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve been sick for a little over two weeks now…can you believe that?  It’s not the flu, thank goodness.  That’s some serious stuff this year.  I got a flu shot so hopefully I won’t be dealing with that.  But I did have a terrible cold, coughing so much that my chest was sore.  Still have a raspy voice and sore throat.  Sheesh, I’m over this already…I wish.

I’ve been to the doctor three times now…trying to get plenty of rest (yeah, right) and drink, drink, drink (not what you’re thinking, come on!).  I know I always get run down working such long hours during the Christmas season…happens every year.  I used to get the flu in January or February, then my doctor finally convinced me to start getting a flu shot…I think that’s helped.  Now if they’d just make a cold shot!!  Somebody could make a lot of money with that one!

This is just one more reason I’m looking forward to spring!

My January many mini challenges

Naruto Doing Sit-Ups

Naruto Doing Sit-Ups (Photo credit: lyk3_0n3_tym3)

How’s that for a title? Okay, okay, I know it’s a bit lame, but I really just wanted to say many mini…

Anyhow, I’ve eased into the resolution thing this year…thought I’d take a different path.  Instead of jumping in head first, I’m just sticking my big toe in for the month of January…working to re-establish healthy habits.

I’m working on eating a healthier diet…at least 3 fruits and veggies a day…no more than 1 fast food meal a week (haven’t had any yet)…at least a couple of vegetarian meals a week.

Then there’s the exercise thing…this little challenge involves doing sit-ups and push-ups every day, whatever day of the month, that’s how many of each you do on that day.  For example, today is the 8th, so I do 8 of each today…not much, I know.  But again, I’m working to make exercise a habit.  I’ll also be doing 3 days of cardio a week, although I haven’t done a lot since I’ve been so sick all month.  But tomorrow is another day.

I have my mini financial challenge…saving a certain amount of money each week for the entire year.  The first week was just $1, the second week will be $2, all the way up to the last week when I’ll save $52.  Kind of a fun little challenge.

I’ve also challenged myself to write publish a blog post every day this month.  I had to alter this challenge a bit as there are some days I end up writing two or three posts and others where I don’t write one at all.

So far, I’m making a little progress on my many mini challenges. Here’s to a successful January and beyond!

Resolutions? Did I hear someone say resolutions?

English: New Year's Resolutions postcard

English: New Year’s Resolutions postcard (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You know, every year I decide this is going to be the year…you know, the year I finally lose weight and keep it off, the year I get organized and decluttered, the year I get published, the year I get in shape, the year I give up diet Pepsi…and so on and so on…

I mean I guess I should be grateful that I don’t have to write that this will be the year I quit smoking, or start attending AA meetings, or give up drugs, or stop hording…but while those all seem to be major, life-affecting habits or addictions, whatever we have allowed to keep us from living life fully is a problem we need to deal with.  And it’s likely different for all of us.

For me, the weight is a symptom…I do understand that…yet I continue to try to tackle it like it’s the problem.  Hmm…what was it Einstein said?  Something like “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”  So, with that in mind, I’m going to do things a little differently this year…not going to focus on losing weight.  Instead I’ll focus on exercising three days a week and eating at least three fruits/veggies a day…that’s it.  And write, write, write (privately) about the issues that have led me to use the weight as a wall to hide behind.

The thing about delving into the issues is that it makes me feel worse and then I give up before I make it through to the other side.  You’d think, with all of this insight, I’d have managed to overcome all of this “stuff”…but giving up seems to prevent that (huh, imagine that).  There’s a lesson there for me, I just need to embrace it, learn it, and move on.

I don’t know what this means for my posts for 2013…I want to stay positive, but I’m fairly certain (hmm…can a person be fairly certain?  either you’re certain or you’re not…anyhow) there will be days when I’m not feeling so chipper, perky, happy-go-lucky.  Wait a minute, I’m not sure I’ve ever been any of those things anyhow…maybe things won’t be any different as far as my posts are concerned…guess we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.

Anyhow…if you made resolutions, good luck…if you didn’t, good for you!  Happy 2013!!